At the Liszt School of Music Weimar, Jürgen Hartmann first studied singing, then trumpet with Prof. Peter-Michael Krämer. In 1990, after several engagements, he started working as a freelance trumpeter and trumpet pedagogue.

Continuing his baroque trumpet studies, he came to work with Prof. Friedemann Immer. These further studies laid the groundwork for his great devotion to this instrument and, in particular, to the natural trumpet which – In contrast to the baroque trumpet – has no means to adjust pitch.

Today, Jürgen Hartmann extensively performs baroque music on both modern and natural trumpet. In order to do better justice to long-known and rediscovered works in performance style and setting, he founded

- the Trumpet Ensemble Jürgen Hartmann,

He plays concerts solo, with his own ensembles and also as a regular guest in renowned orchestras such as the Leipzig Gewandhaus Bach Orchestra, the Central German Chamber Orchestra and the Thuringian Chamber Orchestra Weimar. His various concert trips have not only brought him to all parts of Germany but also to Denmark, Belgium, Russia, France, Greece, Italy, South America and to the USA.